Auditing intellectual property assets

When, why and how you should conduct an IP audit.

Tags: Audits
Posted in Trade Secrets
Protecting your trade secrets

This is a short overview of the main aspects of trade secret law.

Posted in Copyrights
Explaining the Creative Commons copyright license

Here is a simplified explanation of the mysterious Creative Commons license notices or icons you sometimes see with electronic or printed copyrighted material.

Tags: Licensing
Posted in Trademarks

How and when to trademark a hashtag.

Posted in Trademarks
Why is your trademark counsel so picky?

Technical use requirements differ for trademarks and service marks.

Posted in Customs
The U.S. Government can stop imports you did not authorize

Stop counterfeits and grey market goods at the door simply and inexpensively.

Posted in Trademarks
How a company name can be a trademark

There are similarities and differences between a company name and a trademark or service mark.

Posted in Copyrights
Determining whether an older work is still protected by copyright

The fact that a work is old does not necessarily mean it is in the public domain.

Posted in Trademarks
Unofficial Trademark Solicitations

How to avoid unnecessary payments to scam artists.

Tags: Scams
Posted in Patents
Dealing with a patent infringement claim

You have various options when you receive a letter accusing you of patent infringement.

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