
Jeff handled the worldwide intellectual property portfolios of multinational corporations based in the United States, as well as the interests of many foreign corporations and individuals doing business in this country.  He regularly counseled clients on the clearance, acquisition, maintenance, licensing, and enforcement of intellectual property rights, including trademarks and domain names.

“My first love is theatre and, in fact, I was an acting and directing coach and theatre director before I became a lawyer.”

Honors & Recognitions

“Jeffrey Epstein and Lawrence Greene are outstanding lawyers with cutting-edge experience who consistently perform at the highest level.” Epstein is “one of the best for prosecution, with many years of experience”, while Greene is touted as a mastermind at oppositions. 2019 WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals

Jeffrey Epstein"stays very informed and goes above and beyond with his timely service. He pays scrupulous attention to detail and is especially knowledgeable about the fashion and retail sectors.” 2018 WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals

Who's Who Legal

Law Business Research Ltd. (2002 to present)

Managing Intellectual Property

Legal Media Group Guide to the World's Leading Trade Mark Law Practitioners (2006-2015)

Expert Guides (Euromoney Legal Media Group)

Guide to the World's Leading Trade Mark Law Practitioners (2000-2004)


Speaking Engagements

  • Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC, 10.20.2017
  • Mad About Madrid: Leveraging the Madrid Protocol to Your Best Advantage
    Managing Intellectual Property, 2015
  • Protecting and Enforcing Your Brand in China: 10 Practical Tips
    CLL Fashion Seminar, 2014
  • The Ins and Outs of the New Top Level Domain Names
    Association of Corporate Counsel 2014, Cardozo Law School Fashion Seminar, 2014
  • The Madrid Protocol Arrives in India: Panacea or A Cause for Panic?
    INTA, 2012
  • The CTM and the Madrid Protocol: Essential Building Blocks of the International Trademark Portfolio
    Practicing Law Institute, 2011
  • Acceptable Trademark Use in the United States and Canada
    INTA, 2009
  • A Tale of Two Trademarks: Trademarks Under Common Law and Civil Law Systems
    INTA, 2008
  • Whose Name Is It Anyway?: Personal Names as Trademarks
    Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman Fashion Seminar, 2004
  • Limitations of the Madrid Protocol for U.S. and Canadian Companies
    Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada, 1996
  • Panel of experts on Madrid Protocol and CTM
    Institute of Trademark Agents, 1995
  • Limits of the Madrid Protocol for U.S. Companies
    Practicing Law Institute, 1994
  • Guest lecturer on International Trademark Protection 
    Columbia University School of Law, New York University School of Law, Cardozo University School of Law


Social Media


Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law (JD 1986, magna cum laude; Managing Editor, Cardozo Law Review)

New York University (MFA 1975, cum laude)

Boston University (BFA 1973, magna cum laude)

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