
Jaime's practice includes a range of intellectual property matters, including trademarks, copyrights, domain names, unfair competition, data privacy, and patents, as well as general commercial litigation.

Jaime has extensive experience litigating disputes in federal and state courts, as well as before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and in arbitration.  At the same time, she is experienced at resolving disputes outside the courtroom, in mediation or informally.

Jaime works with clients in various industries including logistics, hospitality, wine and food businesses, fashion, entertainment, managed care, insurance, and many others.

“I design and crochet amigurumi dolls of famous figures and characters.”

Honors & Recognitions

Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch™ in America for IP Litigation (2023)

Community & Professional Activities

New York State Bar Association

State Committee Member for the 76th New York Assembly District

Manhattan Young Democrats

Four Freedoms Democratic Club



Reed Smith (Associate)

Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP (Copyright Dispute Extern)

The Dramatists Guild (Business Affairs Intern)


Social Media



Representative matters include:

Industria de Alimentos Zenú v. Latinfood, Civ. No. 2:16-6576 (D.N.J.). Represented Colombian meat product producer in trademark infringement and false advertising suit against US company selling knock-off meat products. Defendant’s motion to dismiss denied.

Sonoma Creamery v. Clover-Stornetta Farms, Opp. No. 91247510 (T.T.A.B.). Represented applicant dairy farm in TTAB opposition brought by opposer claiming the exclusive right to the term “Sonoma” for dairy products. Also representing client in cancellation proceedings against the same party.

Chicka et al. v. Frederic Fekkai & Co., No. 2019/0652314 (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Cnty.). Represented plaintiff hairstylists in a declaratory judgment action that successfully invalidated the restrictive covenants in their employment agreements with celebrity hair salon owner Frederic Fekkai.


Columbia Law School (JD  2017; Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar; Executive Submissions Editor, Journal of Law and the Arts)

University of Pennsylvania (BA 2014; magna cum laude)


  • New York
  • United States District Court for the Southern and Eastern Districts
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